
Getting Ready to Review Papers

I plan to read and post reviews of papers
This is because ​my professor assigned me to read 20 papers by the end of August

논문 리뷰 올린다. 교수님이 20편 읽으라고 하신다

But, I thought it would be a shame to keep them just to myself…
I never expected my blog challenge would turn into a paper reading


So, I have a few rules for reading:
1) No using ChatGPT
2) No using translation tools

미친 미친 규칙!!

There will be a few rules for the paper review posts I will be uploading

논문 리뷰 앞으로 이렇게 올린다 ​

  • Summary

I will post an overall summary of the paper

논문 전체 요약 ㄱㄱ

  • Architecture

I will describe in detail the key parts of something developed or discovered in the paper

대충 논문 중요한 거 찝어서 쓸거임

  • Strength

I will discuss the strengths related to the paper’s writing style or structure

글 얼마나 잘썼는지 보게요

  • Weakness

This is the opposite of the strengths section

논문의 약점 분석

  • Review

I will share my overall thoughts on the paper

전체적인 내 생각

  • Improving

I will think about how this paper can be used as a reference to generate new ideas

읽은거에서 어떻게 더 발전시켜볼 수 있을지에 대한 생각

If I don’t post at least one paper review within a week, please leave a comment asking me to buy you a meal. This will be my penalty

Additionally, if it seems like I’ve used ChatGPT or a translation tool, please comment about that as well

1주에 1개 이상 안올라오거나 번역 쓴거 같으면 댓글 다셈 밥사드림

Thank you🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕

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